Volunteers can add great value to your organisation, supporting you to achieve your mission and strategic objectives.

Involving volunteers can help you to:

  • Engage a more diverse range of qualities, skills, experience and knowledge
  • Raise awareness about your cause as well as your organisation, its profile and what you do
  • Build relationships within the community in which you work and contribute to supporting others in your community. By providing volunteering opportunities you provide opportunities for social inclusion and skills development. There is also evidence that volunteering can help to improve health and wellbeing for individuals.
  • Inform the development and delivery of your activities, projects or services by bringing in new opinions, ideas or approaches. This can help you to adapt, stay relevant to what your beneficiaries and community needs, and identify opportunities to improve what you do
  • Deliver your service or projects in a more effective and efficient way, which can help to save money and resources. However, organisations do have to invest in supporting volunteering for this to work effectively.

At CAN, we can help you find the right volunteers to support your work.

We also provide advice on managing volunteers, and practical tools such as example policies and procedures to help you out. Use the links below to find additional support and information:

ENABLING Volunteering

Read: Advertise your volunteering opportunities

Advertise your volunteering opportunities

Use our online portal to share your volunteering vacancies across Dorset …

Read: We can provide support

Support services available

CAN offers a range of services to help you recruit, retain and manage volunteers …

Read: Volunteering policies and procedures

Policies and procedures for involving volunteers

Helping you keep both your volunteers and your organisation safe …

Read: Tops on writing volunteer role descriptions

Tips on writing role descriptions

It’s important to help volunteers understand both the role and your expectations …

Find out more

If you’d like a chat about involving volunteers in your organisation, or more information about the support available, please get in touch.