CAN Volunteer Vaccination Champions

We understand the vaccination programme is essential to beat Covid-19 and save lives. CAN are working with our partners in the NHS and Public Health to reach out and help people make a more informed choice about getting their jab.

There are some neighbourhoods and communities where more people are not taking up their jab for various reasons, so we’re looking for volunteers who live in or work with these communities to step up and support their friends, family and neighbours make a more informed choice.

We’ll work with the volunteers to gather their insights as to the best way to do this and support them every step of the way to get out there and bust some myths about the jab.

There will be training and ongoing support for all the CAN Volunteer Vaccination Champions.

Who can volunteer?

We are looking from volunteers from lots of backgrounds who are aged 18 years plus, and would particularly welcome applications from people who are:

  • From locally ethnically diverse communities, including Gypsies, Roma and Travellers
  • Engaged with the homeless population
  • Asian/British Asian
  • Black British/African/Caribbean
  • White Polish
  • Working with or supporting undocumented/unregistered migrants
  • Working with people with learning difficulties or mental health issues

Where can I volunteer?

The role is community based, where you will be sharing trusted messages about the vaccine with key groups and communities including friends, family and neighbours.

What will I be doing?

  • Be a trusted source of knowledge regarding the vaccine, providing information and signposting where necessary.
  • Feedback any concerns or problems.
  • Help us to understand the issues and worries that local people face regarding Covid-19 and help us work together to look for solutions, eg, transport, language etc.
  • Provide information on how, where and when to get the Covid-19 vaccine. 

Are my expenses covered?

Local travel costs will be paid.

How CAN we help you?

How do I sign up?

  • Please complete a CAN Volunteer Vaccination Champions (CVVC) application form and return it to

Our values

CAN values aspire to NCVO Charity Ethical Principles. They underpin our vision and mission and demonstrate the behaviour we expect from ourselves and others. You will see us being collaborative, compassionate and inspirational, and acting with integrity and respect.

Support for Volunteers

We are here to support you in your volunteering role – every step of the way. You will receive full mandatory training and ongoing refresher sessions as well as the opportunity to network with other CVVCs.

We are also here at the end of the phone to provide friendly professional advice and support, alongside a listening ear based on our extensive knowledge and experience of volunteering.

    • Call us any time Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm on 01202 466130. Outside these times leave a message and we’ll get back to you within 2 working days
    • Or drop us an email to – we’ll respond within two working days. 

    Can you help us get the jab done

    Over 26,000 lives have been saved in England thanks to the COVID-19 vaccine and over six million infections prevented, but more still needs to be done to reach those who have yet to take up the offer of a jab.

    Working with the local NHS, councils and Public Health Dorset, Community Action Network (CAN) is now recruiting volunteer ‘vaccination champions’– people who can help their friends, family and neighbours make informed decisions about vaccination.

    Vaccination champions will help us to spread the message that it’s not too late if you haven’t had your jab or have changed your mind, and support others in helping them to separate the myths from the facts about vaccination.

    This important new role comes at a critical time in our local community. COVID rates are high in the BCP area but thanks to the vaccine, COVID-related hospitalisations and deaths are much lower than in previous waves – and we need to keep it that way.

    Full training will be provided in partnership with the NHS and Public Health Dorset, and volunteers can give as much or as little time as they would like to.

    We would like our volunteers to support us by attending community events, visiting local groups and feeding back to us people’s concerns.

    Emma Lee, Partnerships Manager at Community Action Network says: “This is a really exciting project that we are delighted to be leading. It’s so important that we are helping to dispel mistruths communities are hearing about the vaccine and using volunteers to do this is a brilliant way to build trust.”

    Our work is possible thanks to funding from our partners, Public Health Dorset and Dorset Healthcare


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