As a member we keep some information about you such as:

  • your organisational contact details;
  • your nominated representatives and additional contact details;
  • the date you joined (and left) as a member.

Keeping the information we hold on you up to date, accurate and safe is very important to us. As some of this information may include personal data, because an individual can be identified, we need to abide by the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR. This statement explains why we keep this personal information and how.

As a member we must legally send you certain information such as legal notices about formal meetings of the charity, its annual accounts and report, etc. We’ll also keep you in touch with membership benefits. Therefore, you will receive emails about voting on voluntary sector representative elections, additional matters relating solely to membership and our core objectives, and occasionally posted information relating to CAN.

The names of all member organisations will be added to the legally required register of members (with a contact address), which can be viewed on request by the public. This means we can keep, and use, your information because it’s a legal obligation or contractual.

If you have consented to having your organisation information included in the Who’s Who in the voluntary and community sector, these details will be visible online for other members and on request to others. You may withdraw this consent at any time. Details of member organisations not consenting will have their information kept private.

Our e-networks, excluding the members list, are used to transmit electronic information of use to the voluntary sector including but not limited to: events, training, national/local policy developments, contracts available for tender and funding opportunities. To subscribe to any of these networks please check out our website. Members will not be automatically subscribed to any of these networks. Subscribers can unsubscribe at any time at which point their contact details will be permanently deleted.

To make sure we can legally store and use your membership information:

  • We store your information in locked drawers and password protected computer file
  • Only those who need to know your information will be able to look at it
  • We will keep your membership information for 3 years and then safely destroy it
  • We may need to share your information without your knowledge if we are legally obliged such as a criminal investigation
  • If we use your personal information for research or analysis, we will always keep your details anonymous or use a fake name unless you give your consent
  • Your information will not be stored outside the UK or EU
  • We will not sell, or pass on, your personal information to anyone without your prior permission
  • You can ask us to correct any wrong information
  • You can ask for any information we hold on you with your consent to be completely erased
  • You can ask us for a copy of all the information we hold about you (apart from a very few things which we cannot because they are about other people as well as you). We aim to reply as soon as we can, and within 30 days

Further information

If you would like more information about how we hold and process personal data please refer to our Data Protection Policy and Data Register – both available on request.

If you would like:

  • a copy of the information we hold on you
  • any of the information changed
  • information we hold on you with your consent erased or
  • have any concerns about the information we hold on you

Please write to, or email, our Data Compliance Officer, Steve Place at

If you are unhappy with the way we deal with any of your enquiries about your personal data, you also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office

CAN membership